The end is nigh. Of the third quarter of 2007, that is! And I need your help to make sure that our campaign gets a big boost. At the end of the second quarter, on August 1, we had more money than McCain, and we got a million dollars worth of free publicity.
This time, we can get 10 million dollars worth, IF we have good results to announce on October 1, and therefore the resources to build for the future.
After all, our ideas have never been needed more. The Federal Reserve is killing our dollar, the war is killing our soldiers, police-state methods are killing our civil liberties, and the income tax and bureaucratic meddling are killing our economy.
But there is hope for America in the ideas of this Revolution. What progress we are making, all across this country, among all groups. The mainstream media may ignore us, but we are winning strawpolls, drawing huge crowds, getting local media, moving up in the regular polls (a lagging indicator, of course), organizing, dominating the internet, and preparing the way for the early caucuses and primaries.
As our opponents begin to falter, and the undecideds grow in strength, this is our time. When people learn about our ideas and our work for them, they join the Revolution. So my job is to make sure they learn!
But I can't do this job alone. I need you. Please, reach out your hand and clasp mine. Our country is at stake, our children's future and ours is in the balance. Make the most generous contribution you can, and make it soon. Help me go into October with a roar. Help me build this campaign as it must be built.
A 13-year-old said to me the other day, "Dr. Paul, you are the hope of my future." No, I told her, but this Revolution is. Will she grow up in a poorer, more socialist, more militarist, more oppressive country? Or the free country you and I love?
Let's work together with all our strength for the Constitution, for America, for all our people, for freedom, prosperity, and peace. Together, you and I can make a Revolution. Let's do it!