Let me start this blog off with a simple question: Do you feel like I do?
Of course some of you will remember this question as made famous by legendary rock star Peter Frampton, but I am specifically referring to the moment of anticipation that comes before a presidential debate. The feeling is almost electric, as waves of energy seemingly wash over the campaign headquarters.
Tonight is the first, groundbreaking CNN/Youtube debate that will feature a colorful array of questions submitted on Youtube by concerned citizens. I'm positive that our grassroots supporters feel the same passionate enthusiasm for tonight's debate as we do at the headquarters. I, for one, will be anxiously pacing in front of the television set waiting for the debate to start at 8pm ET.
We have been characterized, whether fairly or unfairly, as an "internet campaign." What better time then for Dr. Paul to shine as he fields questions generated by individuals on the internet? I can't be certain, but given that many of our supporters are technology friendly, I'm sure that CNN received a fair amount of questions submitted by Ron Paul supporters.
Tonight is also the premiere of our supporter-created television commercial. I haven't even had the opportunity to view the submissions myself, so I am looking forward to seeing the commercial for the first time tonight during the debate.
The campaign, along with many of our Meetup groups and grassroots organizations, are hosting debate watching parties across the country. Our very own Justine Lam will be streaming footage from the debate on JustinTV, and Peter St.Jean will be liveblogging the event on our Campaign Update weblog.
Look forward to being able to virtually participate with the official campaign tonight by watching the Ron Paul 2008 JustinTV stream. We will feature behind-the-scenes footage from before and after the debate, as well as live footage of the debate watching parties.
Let's make tonight a success and join together in the spirit of liberty to support Dr. Paul. Remember to join us tonight at 8:00 PM ET on CNN to view Congressman Paul in action.
Chris Robertson
Ron Paul 2008 Presidential Campaign Committee