"One of the many quirks of Ron Paul's unexpectedly vigorous campaign for the Republican presidential nomination has been that he has been able to generate such a fervent following despite a campaign manner that verges on the grandfatherly. But in a brief interview in New Hampshire a few days ago, Paul showed that he is capable of delivering a barbed line or two, albeit wrapped in a kindly septuagenarian smile.
"Asked what he made of John McCain's comments at last week's GOP debate comparing Paul's opposition to the war in Iraq to the appeasement of Hitler in the 1930s, Paul let loose, saying that McCain was "confused historically."
"'People in the 1930s who didn't want war didn't cause World War II. I think Hitler caused the war, not the Americans who argued for a pro-American foreign policy,' he said.
"'I don't think [McCain] understands the difference between isolationism and non-intervention. How can he condemn it if the Founders believed in it? George Washington, Jefferson, this was their strong advice.'"
Alec MacGillis, Washington Post, 12/06/07